CRU Day Camps offer a fun and safe Christian environment for infants and primary school kids to get involved in exciting outdoor activities. Over an action packed few days, your son or daughter will have the opportunity to make new friends and build self-confidence.

Sample Day Camp program*:

Time Activities
8:00 Sign in and games
9:00 Christian Discovery including signing, puppet shows and games
10:30 Morning tea (provided)
11:00 Nerf Tag for years K-2 and Laser Tag for years 3-6
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:00 Free play
1:30 Siesta/Movie
2:00 Adventure activity e.g. Scavenger Hunt, Ropes Course, Bushwalk
3:00 Afternoon tea (provided)
3:30 Carnival and GIANT jumping castle
5:00 Games and sign out
6:00 At home, ready for dinner and a sleep in your own bed

*Please note – This is a sample timetable, times and activities vary from camp to camp and day to day.